
Provide information for people living with HIV/AIDS. Encourage screening throughout the connection. Provide health education through seminars and workshops. Advocate healthcare for people living with HIV/AIDS. Recommend and encourage the AME church internationally to support World AIDS Day on Dec 1st and other national days of recognition like National Black HIV/AIDS Day (February 7) and Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS held during the 2nd week of March.

Provide information to assist the caregivers to access resources available in the community. Develop support groups for caregivers. 

Provide spiritual support and referrals for counseling to members of the congregation as requested. Provide moments for meditation during meetings. Establish a quiet place. Members of the Spiritual Health Committee must be certified counselors, psychologists, social workers, or human service workers— clergy or lay.

Provide nutrition and exercise information on website and on the Health Calendar. Recommend and encourage the AME Church internationally to participate, support and promote the Annual July Faith Based Health, Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness month established by the International Health Commission of the AME Church. Recommend all meals served at all church related events offer healthy food choices and healthy beverages in order to prevent and fight disease.  Recommend churches offer fitness programs and stretch breaks at programs to promote blood circulation, clear thinking and good health.

Provide support and referral resources on website and on the Health Calendar. Provide churches and Episcopal District with free resources available via Mental Health organizations for church congregations.

Provide information on making our churches and worship welcoming and accessible for all people including those who are differently abled (challenged). Provide resources that will support churches in their effort to include persons who are differentially abled (challenged). Provide information on emergency evacuation and ensuring all persons can safely exit the building.

Recommend and encourage all Clergy to participate in the Annual August Clergy and Clergy Family Wellness month created to promote physical and mental health, reduce stress, encourage sabbatical and clergy self-care.  Provide, support and offer resources that address family wellness which include, but are not limited to: blended families (i.e. stepchildren and stepparents), marriage, divorce, widows, single life, domestic violence, sexual abuse, child abuse, sexuality and financial wellness.

Provide information of immunizations. Provide information and updates on communicable diseases that arise during certain times of the year, outbreaks or epidemics, travel health advisories and precautions, recommendations and prevention on 

COVID-19 Information Center

Recommend and encourage all churches to provide and support a smoking free environment. Provide a variety of wellness pamphlets and brochures at church and workshops at major meetings, invite health professionals to speak at district meetings and Episcopal meetings. Promote annual physicals prevention and treatment options in order to equip and empower the church to make important health decisions. Encourage all Episcopal Districts and Connection components to use utilize the Health Calendar and resources available on

Partner and support with other Connectional organizations that of mutual interest and concern in order to expand the outreach or scope of the agenda. 

Provide information and resources on programs. Encourage Clergy and Lay to become trained support members or teams. Recommend churches provide free resources pamphlet form. 

Recommend and encourage all Episcopal Districts and Churches to participate in the Annual September Disaster Preparedness Month fire drills and evacuation drills. Provide information on preparedness, First Aid and CPR training, Earthquake and other Natural disaster responses. Provide information on partnerships with the Red Cross, SADA and Medical Corps.

  • Climate Change, Sustainability and Green Jobs

Provide information and resources on substance abuse, workshops, Clergy and Lay certification programs. 

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